I saw his lustre and shine
He had long golden hair
I asked him why did he lead humanity to despair ?
What he had done, was not fair!
He replied ….
I have created the blacksmith who creates with all his might ,and I admit I also have created the ravager who destroys day or night .
But I did show them the way to live and yet I have to give!
I did not lead humanity to despair they did it because they thought it fair!
Humans like to find the hidden and they like to touch what’s forbidden .
Humans divide upon caste and creed
They let the world burn in their greed .
I admit earth unleashed its burden and wrath upon anyone who stood in its path
But it had done it because it’s God ,its creator told it to…
I did not do it to lead the humanity to despair but to give perspective on what’s fair.
I did not lead the world to despair
Rather it was their greed that led them there.