International Literacy Day is observed every year on 8th September. This day serves as a global reminder of the critical significance of literacy as a human right.
This year students of St. Kabir High School, Navrangpura observed literacy day by inviting a renowned educationalist Mr. Vraj Bhushan Jha who is the Principal of a well known school in Haryana and a former research fellow of NCERT with three Master Degrees. He shared with the students the value of education and how it helps us to be a better person.
As part of International Literacy Day our students have tried to do their part in spreading awareness about the importance of literacy by teaching the less fortunate basic education. A video compilation of this noble act by our students was shown during the assembly. A skit was performed on how being illiterate makes a person be a victim of sordid scams. Asst. Director Renu Srivastava shared with the students the importance of being informed citizens which comes only through proper education and literacy. The session ended with the students taking Shiksha Sankalp pledge, an initiative by the Government of India to encourage people to affirm their commitment to global learning.
On this Literacy Day let us recall that literacy is an integral part of education and both are critical for achieving truly sustainable development for all.