There’s 365 days in one year but
There is word for it that is cast
Yeah, it is called a year but it is
One of the voyages of the world at last…
The Earth takes a year’s voyage
to go around the sun so fast,
But it comes nowhere close to what we call
The great voyage of the world at last
The eight planets and Pluto too,
The comets and asteroids and meteors too.
All go around the sun in a circular path,
But it still isn’t the great voyage of the world at last
The Pleiades, the orion, neither come close,
It is our beloved sun that the universe chose.
A ball of helium, reacting with hydrogen,
Thrusting like the rocket, vexatious to cryogen.
It may not seem to move but believe regarding its notion,
Like the earth it has its own motion.
The solar system aint got what it needs,
The galaxy serves for the demand of its reeds.
Heading back to the point of the great voyage,
To understand it, we need to observe its triage.
There is a whole world beyond the planet that we live,
Oh believe me theres way more than it gives
The sun as a star acts as a planet,
I know this knowledge is too much like a mallet.
But in the great voyage of the world at last
Understanding this is the most important task.
The sun goes around what we call the milky way,
Oh yes the great voyage is more big than the freebie way.
The sun takes the planets on a really big voyage,
The sun as the boat and the planets as the orage.
Oh when the sun completes a full revolution,
It may seem as a temporary illusion.
All would think themselves very mere,
And this fenomenon is known as the galactic year.
It takes up a total 270 million years,
No mechanics required, especially no gears.
This is what that gives the claim at last,
Of the great voyage of the world at last.
The notion of this is oh so very big,
From which we conclude that we still need to dig.
Our knowledge of universe is just the brim,
To expand ourselves, we need to go beyond the rim.
That was all of the poetry so vast,
Talking about the great voyage of the world at last.
Hitanshu Barot – Std 9th (St. Kabir School – Navarangpura)