“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”
The Investiture Ceremony was held on 28th June 2023-24 at ST. KABIR HIGH SCHOOL. The ceremony commenced by lighting the lamp by our respected Asst. Director mam, Principal, Vice-principal and supervisors, which signifies the removal of darkness and continuous upward movement of the flame denotes a path of wisdom and divinity. This was followed by Ganesh vandana. The elected Head Girl and Head boy were conferred with badges and sashes by our respected Asst. Director mam. This was followed by pinning of badges to vice head boy, vice head girl, House captains, vice captains, prefects, vice prefects, assembly managers and traffic managers.
The proud parents’ happiness knew no bounds when badges and sashes were conferred on the newly elected Students’ Council. The newly elected student council took the pledge to hold the school motto in high esteem and be impartial and honest in leadership, unity, discipline and morality.
Good work certificates were given to the members of student council of academic year 2022-23 and other achievers.
The honorable Devraj trophy was presented to Dhimahi Brahmbhatt was being an all-round achiever.
The ceremony was held with great zeal and enthusiasm which ended with an excellent performance on Gaurav gaan by the students and a very inspiring speech by respected Renu madam.
Last but not the least many inspiring words were shared by our dear and esteemed parents.