“No act of kindness, no mater how small, is ever wasted.”
On 17th October Kabirians of Navrangpura observed International Day for the Eradication of Poverty by spending quality time with the students of School for Deaf Mutes at Ashram Road. Sixteen students along with teachers and a few parents visited the school where they were warmly welcomed by the staff and students. Our students interacted with the children the importance of eradication of poverty in the world which was translated to them by one of our teachers in sign language. After the interaction, Kaberians distributed the food packets, stationary and art kit, books and water bottles that was collected from our students prior to the visit. The children’s eyes gleamed with joy while receiving the goodies. The visit ended with everyone playing garba to the beat of exhilarating music. Overall it was a wonderful experience for our students where they understood the value of giving, to the less privileged.