Be the change you want to see in the world was the famous slogan given by Mahatma Gandhiji .
The father of the nation was always in action that’s why we have a free nation today. To pay our respect and tribute to the greatest leaders ,St. Kabir High School (Navrangpura) celebrated a cultural program on 30th SEPT 2022 to embark the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti ( 2nd of October). It marks the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of our nation and Lal Bahadur Shastri who served as the second Prime Minister of India. The school decided to celebrate the occasion with splendour. The cultural program was planned and the school assembly was selected as the venue for the program. It’s important to uplift the values and ideas of Gandhiji and Shastrji’s contribution towards the upliftment of common man among the students. At the very beginning of the program, students recited poems. There were speeches based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri. It’s believed that you must follow what you preach. Their poems were in praise of Gandhiji’s ideologies which has enlightened India as well as the world even today. Music was an intrinsic part of Gandhiji’s life. Students sung few favourite songs of Mahatma Gandhi as a tribute to Him. At the end, there was a play on the life of Mahatma performed by the students of std IX and IV. The simplicity with which he won the lives of crores of Indians was highlighted . The program ended with an enthusiastic dance, that enchanted the audience and made the two Patriots presence felt within us.