The Investiture Ceremony is a solemn occasion where the school bestowed leadership responsibilities upon deserving students. It was a ceremony marked by dignity, enthusiasm, and a sense of pride among students, parents, and faculty alike.
On 26th June, 2024, St. Kabir School, Navrangpura organized Investiture ceremony, a grand event that symbolized the beginning of a new academic year filled with promise and leadership and allocated the duties to the new student council for year 2024-25. The event commenced with an invocation to Goddess Saraswati, the symbol of knowledge, wisdom, and learning, through a soulful Saraswati Vandana. then followed by lighting of lamp by respected Asst. Director Mam, Principal mam, Vice Principal mam and Supervisors.
Then came the moment when our newly elected council marched in the Assembly hall to take over their duties and authorities for the current year. The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of badges and sashes to the office bearers. Each student was called upon stage amidst applause and received their badge, signifying their commitment to their new roles. They were officially introduced to everyone as badges where pinned to them. They stood there with utmost pride and dignity as everyone has bestowed their trust in them to carry on the school’s tradition.
Our old student council marched in and took the stage to pass over the school and house flags to the newly elected heads and captain vesting the duties and responsibilities in their hands. The new council then took the oath to serve their position with integrity, faith and excellence and live up to the expectations of school and their mates. There the school had its new council all set to carry on its legacy further.
Later our old student council was commended with good work certificates by our respected parents for their extraordinary work and role in the previous year (2023-2024). Students who were regular in school last year with hundred percent attendances were also recognized by certificates as they set an example for others by their dedication and regularity.
An energetic and enthusiastic dance was performed by our students encouraging and explaining the importance of unity in life.
The ceremony concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks by the cultural coordinator expressing gratitude to all who contributed to the success of the event – from teachers and staff to parents and students. Special mention was made of the organizing committee for their meticulous planning and execution.
With the flags held high and heads standing tall, the ceremony concluded with the School Song and National Anthem.
Investiture Ceremony marked the beginning of a new chapter for the student council members, who are now poised to lead by example and make a positive impact on their life.