Congratulations Shree !!

Shree Trivedi of grade IV of St Kabir Navrangpura grabbed 4th runner up position  in 15th Gujarat UCMAS ABACUS and Mental Arithmetic Competition 2021. She was awarded with medal certificate and a trophy.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Congratulation Manthan!!

Manthan Ankit Parikh of grade III C from St Kabir Navrangpura successfully completed India Virtual Cyclothon on June 13th 2021. He covered distance of 21 Kms. He received Medal and certificate of Appreciation.

Poem on World Environment Day by Students (NAV)

Our Territorial Earth Our Earth, oh so big, We can do anything, anything we wish in a blink, “Look how advance” is what we think, But the truth is really going to sink.   Our Earth, oh so green, I cannot tell what we’ve seen, The wares we waged scarred the earth, Polluting it even […]

Karate Achievements in 2020-21 of Kairav Sanghvi from grade 6, St. Kabir Navrangpura

Karate Achievements in 2020-21 of Kairav Sanghvi from grade 6, St. Kabir Navrangpura Kairav won gold medal in the e-Kata championship December 2020 organized by Karate Association of Ahmedabad He has also been awarded Excellence Award 2021 for being selected in Martial Art Child category from Ahmedabad presented by India Records.          […]

Achiever in Roller Skating from St. Kabir (NAV)

Aaryan Patel of class IX B, St. Kabir Navrangpura received Sardar Patel Junior category award for Roller Speed Skating from Gujarat Government’s Department Of Sports, Youth and Cultural Activities.

Karate Champion, KAIRAV SANGHVI (NAV)

Student of St Kabir, Navrangpura, Kairav Sanghi is a multi-talented boy he started his karate journey when he was just 6 years old in the year 2015 at Black Dragon Karate Academy under the guidance of Shihan Altaf Saiyed. He has many Achievements on his name: 1- Invitational Gujarat state karate championship held in Ahmedabad […]